What will your business look like when it's finished?

Starting with the end in mind is not just a strategy—it’s essential for safeguarding your dreams and aspirations.

The Emotional Weight of a Clear Vision

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where your business is headed. A clear vision isn’t just a roadmap; it's a beacon of hope and purpose. It answers deep questions:

  • What legacy do you want your business to leave?

  • What impact do you want to have on your community or industry?

  • How do you want to feel when you look back at your business journey?

These aren’t just strategic considerations—they’re the heartbeats of your entrepreneurial spirit.

The Power of a Documented Business Plan

A business plan translates your vision into actionable steps.

Here’s why it’s indispensable:

  • Clarity and Focus: Breaking down your vision into smaller goals prevents overwhelm and keeps you focused.

  • Accountability: Your plan holds you accountable to your dreams, ensuring you stay on track.

  • Resource Management: It helps you allocate time, money, and manpower wisely, aligning resources with your goals.

  • Adaptability: A robust plan includes contingencies, allowing you to adapt to changes without losing your way. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The Dangers of Not Having a Plan

Not having a clear end goal can be emotionally and financially devastating. Here are the dangers you face:

  • Lack of Direction: Without a vision, your business can become a rudderless ship, leading to fragmented efforts and inconsistent results.

  • Burnout: Continuously reacting to immediate issues without a long-term plan can lead to burnout, sapping your energy and passion.

Missed Opportunities: Without a strategic plan, you might miss out on growth opportunities or fail to anticipate market changes


Understanding Your Business’s Worth

Knowing what your business is worth is crucial. It’s about understanding the true value of your hard work, which helps in making informed decisions about its future. This knowledge empowers you to plan effectively, ensuring you maximize the fruits of your labour.

Planning for the Future: Exit Strategies

Envisioning the end also involves planning your exit. Here are some options to consider:

  • Selling the Business: Determine the right stage to sell for a significant return on your investment.

  • Installing a General Manager: Hire a GM to run daily operations while you retain ownership benefits.

  • Franchising: Expand your brand and revenue with less direct involvement, watching your vision grow in new markets.

  • Retirement or Pursuing a New Dream: Plan for a smooth transition, ensuring your business continues to thrive as you step into a new chapter.


Starting with the end in mind isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a deeply emotional and practical approach to ensuring your business’s longevity and success. By crafting a clear vision, documenting a strategic plan, and understanding your business’s worth, you can navigate the future with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, your business is a dream, a legacy, and a testament to your hard work. Make sure its future is as bright as you’ve always imagined.

She Meanz Business

Igniting success, Inspiring change, Transforming business.

With more than 30 years of real-life, on-the-ground business experience across various industries, Leah has a wealth of business knowledge and know-how ready to support you to build the business and life you’ve always wanted.

Raised by entrepreneurial parents who operated several rural businesses in Taranaki, Leah’s passion in business was forged whilst working alongside her parents from a very early age. Her first business principles were learned at the kitchen table as her family discussed their business plans.

With a Diploma in Food Science and Microbiology, Leah spent 10 years in the Food Industry. Quickly working through the ranks from Lab Tech to Operational Laboratory Manager for both Tegel Poultry and Watties Prepared Foods.

It was during this time she developed a love for both people development and financial management. Laboratories operate on systems and very tight processes and are all about testing and measuring. Leah developed an analytical mind and took the foundations she’d learned into her future business ventures. She then spent over 20 years in Sales Management and Business Development in conjunction with owning multiple businesses before she partnered with ActionCOACH in 2019. ActionCOACH is the Worlds #1 business coaching organisation.

Having survived the high inflation and crazy interest rates of the 1980s, the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, and the impact of Covid-19, Leah knows just how much grit and resilience are needed to grow a resilient, profitable business.

Through personalized coaching and guidance, Leah helps women overcome life's challenges, find their voice and achieve financial success while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


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